Monday, November 1, 2010

The more I reflect upon what to write, the more I have to write about.

What I've noticed about my blog posts... If I'm not reading something about using technology, I have nothing to reflect on and write about. This tells me that I need to do more reading and or experiencing new technology tools so I have something to think about and write about. I need to set a goal for myself. Each day I need to read a few pages from one of the many books I have about incorporating technology into classroom instruction and I need to read blog postings from Will Richardson's blog or Puny's site. From this reading I can analyze each message and synthesize how this new information relates to my current understandings about technology. I need to figure out how this can become my TIC project. What is my question? How can I incorporate this blog into my project? How will this blog help me become a better writer and a better user of technology? How can my learning be useful to a larger audience of educators? I could collect data on time commitment and related benefits. I could code the text in each blog post to show a level of growth and confidence in my use of technology. If this is my plan then I need to create a template that I include with each post that helps me collect this data.
What technology have I used since starting this blog, that I have not used in the past?
1. This blog!
2. Google docs for TIC
3. RSS
4. Text message tools (polleverywhere and Wiffity)
5. Wordle
6. I've attempted to upload video of my writing workshop conferencing but have been unsuccessful so far.
7. I've created a family web site with Google sites, but need to work on this site...make it better.

This is all I can think of now. I think I've got a good start!

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