Thursday, April 19, 2012


This is what I notice I'm doing with my blog: I go to my reader to quickly access my blog not to write but to quickly access the EPET PhD Ning! Interesting. Accessing my spaces are fewer clicks now but I am still a consumer rather than producer of content. I wonder why. Maybe because I don't feel like I have anything to write. I don't have a focus, a passion, an agenda requiring the blog soapbox... I will continue to observe my actions. Until then...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

something that might work

I just added this blog to my RSS feed! I check my RSS feed regularly. I'm hoping this will spark my desire to post regularly on the blog. We'll see!

Why so Random

When I started this bolg I planned for frequent posts. Obviously that has not been the case. I'm wondering what I need to do to get myself on this blog more often. When I discover the plan It will be obvious as I will have frequent posts! Wonderful news... I've been accepted into the EPET hybrid PhD program at Michigan State University. We start our fist classes this June! Maybe that will get me to be a regular blogger!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I rarely visit this blog and I know frequent visits are necessary to keep a blog current. I notice my Voki is quite dated... nobody wants to watch a talking turkey in February! Although my blog posts are infrequent, my journey toward becoming a techy teacher continues. Most recently, Val Byrnes and I were awarded a Mathematics and Science Project (MSP) grant! Next school year she and I will facilitate a year-long PD project working with a cohort of teachers in STEM education. Additionally, I am eagerly awaiting the letter in the mail that either confirms or denies my admission into the Michigan State Hybrid EPET PhD program. It's like chewing stainless steel roofing nails waiting for this letter! If accepted I plan to study the integration of technology into the teaching of writing. Enough for now. My "Technology in the Classroom" class, session 5 of 6 is about to begin!